SMARTTEST – Smart circular economy field testing facility for extractive waste and side streams
− With mining waste management planning, towards a more sustainable and responsible mining operation −

Mining waste is one of the largest industrial side streams and the largest waste stream in Finland. Waste management is a key issue in the environmental safety, social acceptability and economic profitability of mines. Mining waste also has significant circular economy potential, and other circular economy materials can also be used in their management.
The SMARTTEST project develops solutions for circular economy and extractive waste management with the help of intelligent field testing and concept to be explored in continuous field tests already in connection with the planning of mineral processing.
The results of the project will primarily benefit the mining industry, which wants to promote a circular economy and low emissions in its business. In addition, the project supports the strengthening of regional R&D activities, the growth of business life and the internationalization of the province of North Karelia. As the main implementer, the Geological Survey of Finland has long-term experience in scientific research and customer solutions related to the mining environment and mineral recycling solutions.
Contact person
Päivi Kauppila (Ms)
Chief Expert, PhD Geology
Water and Mining Environment Solutions
Geological Survey of Finland, GTK
P.O. BOX 1237, FI-70211 Kuopio
Tel. +358 29 503 3715
Mobile +358 40 7787 537
Project leader
Juha Ovaskainen
Team manager
Water Reserves and Methodology (VKR R3)
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
P.O. BOX 1237, FI-70211 Kuopio
Tel. +358 29 503 0075