Development of the National Digital Drill Core Archive of Finland

GTK maintains a national drill core archive under the Mining Act. The archive holds over 3.5 million meters of core drilled in ore exploration, extractive operations, bedrock survey, and rock construction. The MinMatka project is developing the digitalisation of the archive, focusing on the drill core material accumulated from recent and past exploration or exploitation of battery mineral deposits.
By digitalising the process of collecting, processing, modeling, interpreting, validating, and preserving research data from drill cores, the phases of geological expert work are being accelerated and harmonised. This has until now tied up a lot of researchers’ working time. Digitalisation will also increase the efficiency of storage of drill core material over time and potentially reduce storage costs. Digital means can be used to preserve data for future generations on samples that cannot be archived permanently.

Why are drill cores important?

For economic geology and other geological studies, the drill cores provide information on the prevalence and mineralogical, chemical, and physical properties of bedrock minerals. The drill core data provide information about the geographical dimensions of the mineral deposit and, among other things, the elemental concentrations, extractability, grindability, and beneficiation characteristics of minerals, and their potential environmental and health impacts.

The data preserved in cores may be important in the future, where some elements that are now insignificant may become essential. This has happened in the past, for example, to cobalt.

What does the subproject focus on?

Multidisciplinary measurement data is collected from the drill core by machine and further utilised in the development of computational interpretation of digital data. The areas of development of the subproject are:
• Digital spectral geological and petrophysical measurement methods of drill cores
• Computational co-interpretation of site-bound variables from different digital measurement datasets
• Multidimensional modeling and representation as part of a chain of studies from exploration to exploitation of battery mineral deposits

What has been done so far and what will be done?

The hyperspectral imaging data by scanning large drill core sets from the Finnish national drill core archive have been collected since 2018 to a large extent in collaboration with companies in the extractive sectors operating in Finland or research and innovation projects implemented by GTK that develop their operating conditions.

The digitalisation of the national drill core archive will contribute to the availability, storage, and enhanced research of archival materials alongside the overall support to the capacity development of the industry in cooperation with various stakeholders.

Studying drill cores takes a lot of time and the preservation of the material space. The GTK has archived to its national drill core archives in Loppi and Rovaniemi about 4,000 km of bedrock drill core material from around 36,800 state and private company drillings. They are stored in a total of 11 storage halls.

A geologist visually examining bedrock drill core and identifying minerals, and structural features of bedrock.

Example image of a drill core box with a mineral interpretation based on hyperspectral data. On the left is a photograph of a drill core box, in the middle and right is a mineral classification made from the same box made using hyperspectral data of the visible, near-infrared, shortwave infrared and long-wave infrared wavelengths.

Combined visual description of a computationally generated geological (colorful bar) and mineralogical (black line) interpretation based on the hyperspectral parameters of the drill core data. (Image: Hattu 3D project)

Combined visual description of a computationally generated geological (colorful bar) and mineralogical (black line) interpretation based on the hyperspectral parameters of the drill core data. (Image: Hattu 3D project)

Where can you get more information and how to access the data now?

The productisation, services and distribution of digital hyperspectral imaging data from the national drill core archive are currently being developed.

Information on the current operation of the drill core archive and contact information can be found on the page: National Drill Core Archive | GTK

More information on the project (

  • Geologist Panu Lintinen (implementation of hyperspectral imaging campaigns)
  • Senior Specialist Kati Laakso (spectral geology)
  • Geologist Soile Aatos (development of the National Digital Drill Core Archive of Finland, scanning data acquisition)