Research Partners
Industry Partners
Sokli Oy
- Sokli Oy aims to make mineral exploration more efficient and thus save time and money spent in the exploration phase of this project.
- Sokli Oy aim is to use machine learning algorithms in exploration data integration, pattern recognition from geophysical data, drill core image enhancing, or hyperspectral data processing will be examples of the usage of modern technology that will bring mineral exploration to a new level.
- Sokli Oy aims to integrate knowledge from scientific innovations amongst machine learning, mineral prospectivity analysis, ESG research and modeling, drill core imaging, drill core scanning, and into smart software applications for mineral potential and mining feasibility mapping for exploration.
- Sokli Oy gives the possibility for the entire project consortium to test the modern technology in real mineral exploration and as a partner company we make this project a common effort.
CRS Laboratories Oy
- Information about commercial laboratory procedures from which geochemical data is produced. Information of commercial laboratory Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QAQC) processes used in exploration. Information of exploration companies’ QAQC processes
- Developing ways of automatically collecting big data from analysis procedures
- Tool to evaluate sample preparation and analysis process.